You can strategically partner with the UCSB College of Engineering by joining the Corporate Affiliates Program (CAP)

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The goals of the Corporate Affiliates Program (CAP) are to:


Provide companies with a pipeline of graduates they need.


Connect engineering students with companies that will hire them into jobs they want.


Contribute to the technology ecosystem broadly, with special emphasis on Southern California companies.


Raise the profile of the College of Engineering and awareness of its strengths and standing.

Our team is dedicated to achieving these goals by offering a variety of services and opportunities to member companies:

Talent Acquisition

To connect you with top graduates who can contribute to your success, we offer:

  • Individualized annual recruitment plans
  • Organization and promotion of recruiting events
  • Advertising for job and internship opportunities
  • Branding opportunities via social media and the CAP website
  • Engagement with engineering classes via guest lectures, workshops, etc.
  • Access to more than 30 STEM student organizations
  • Organization of student tours at your company


Your feedback makes us better. Your voice can be heard by:

  • Participating in CAP member meetings, which include presentations by the dean, faculty and student-organizations, plus breakout sessions and networking
  • Collaborating on new initiatives, such as educational offerings and “lunch and learns” at company sites
  • Speaking one-on-one with Dean Umesh Mishra
  • Presenting at a UCSB seminar or conference


As your one-stop link to all things UCSB, we can connect you to:

  • Faculty of interest to discuss potential research partnerships
  • Campus resources to take you through UCSB’s intellectual property portfolio/licensing opportunities
  • Capstone instructors
  • Shared instrumentation/facility managers
  • Private office space when on campus for events

Current Partners

These industry leaders (below) already work with UCSB to achieve their strategic goals. They leverage world-class talent, cutting-edge campus facilities and expert insights to stay ahead in a competitive market.

Contact us to learn more:

A list of corporate partners: Microsoft, HRL Laboratories, Lockheed Martin, California Water Boards, Marvell, Navsea, RTX, Alcon, Corning, Teledyne Technologies, Northrop Grumman.